Thursday, March 5, 2015


Because I don't have a YouTube channel and I love this tag, I am going to blog about it. Naturally.

Dear Hailey,

I know you spend a lot of your time worrying about the future. Let me tell you to just stop, things are going to go unexpected but you are going to be so happy. Worry about the now. 

Take advantage of every opportunity you can, audition for every solo, do everything in your power to be involved in every play/musical possible, run for student council, don't wait for boys to ask you on dates ask them! Don't let what you feel other people may think of you limit your possibilities. 

Stop basing your worth on how boys treat you, or what boys think of you. It doesn't matter how many dates you get asked on, it doesn't matter if that boy you "love" doesn't love you back. Don't worry about any of the boys you currently have feelings for, because they are not the one. You are going to meet the most amazing man who will love you and more importantly finally show you how to love yourself. I promise that he is not far away and he is 100% worth the wait.

Lastly, you are worth it. You will overcome that dark hole and learn how to manage the depression and anxiety. You will overcome the need to self harm. Those scars on your body will become empowering and something you don't need to hide anymore. They will remind you of how strong you are and how much you've overcome. I'm not going to tell you it's going to get easier, but it will get better. And above all else, there will be a day when you realize that YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Love Always, Hailey

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